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SF:HTTPStatus\.BAD_REQUEST\x20-\x20Bad\x20request\x20syntax\x20or\x20unsup SF:ported\x20method\.</p>\n\x20\x20\x20\x20</body>\n</html>\n"); Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmapNmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 92.67 seconds admin@i-0be8092b5097881f7:~$ shoutdown --help bash: shoutdown: command not found admin@i-0be8092b5097881f7:~$ sudo -l Matching Defaults entries for admin on i-0be8092b5097881f7: env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/s User admin may run the following commands on i-0be8092b5097881f7: (ALL : ALL) ALL (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown admin@i-0be8092b5097881f7:~$ /s
paris/i-0be8092b5097881f7 02:26
by SadServers-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 3526 Aug 4 2021 .bashrc drwxr-xr-x 3 admin admin 4096 Sep 20 2023 .config -rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 807 Aug 4 2021 .profile drwx------ 2 admin admin 4096 Sep 17 2023 .ssh drwxr-xr-x 2 admin root 4096 Sep 24 2023 agent -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 360 Sep 24 2023 admin@i-0c7688c6e49a68923:~$ cd /var/log admin@i-0c7688c6e49a68923:/var/log$ ls alternatives.log auth.log btmp chrony daemon.log journal kern.log.2.gz messages.1 private syslog.1 user.lalternatives.log.1 auth.log.1 btmp.1 cloud-init-output.log daemon.log.1 kern.log lastlog messages.2.gz runit syslog.2.gz user.lapt auth.log.2.gz cast cloud-init.log daemon.log.2.g kern.log.1 messages minio.log syslog unattended-upgrades user.ladmin@i-0c7688c6e49a68923:/var/log$ less
paris/i-0c7688c6e49a68923 04:44
by SadServers/asn1.oidEncoder,encoding/asn1.encodergo.itab.encoding/asn1.stringEncoder,encodiitab.encoding/asn1.int64Encoder,encoding/asn1.encodergo.itab.encoding/,sort.Interfacego/text/internal/language.variantsSort,,*encoding/gogobTypego.itab.*encoding/gob.arrayType,encoding/gob.gobTypego.itab.*encoding/gob.gobTypego.itab.*encoding/gob.CommonType,encoding/gob.gobType__errno_locationgaihabortpthread_cond_broadcastsigactionsetenvpthread_cond_waitmmapnanosleepfputcpttex_unlockmallocmunmapvfprintfunsetenvpthread_attr_destroysigismemberfwritestrerime.buildVersion.strruntime.modinfo.strtype.*runtime.textsectionmap^C admin@i-059172a6cbeaf621a:~/agent$ tail -300f sadagent.txt ^C admin@i-059172a6cbeaf621a:~/agent$ ls sadagent sadagent.txt admin@i-059172a6cbeaf621a:~/agent$
paris/i-059172a6cbeaf621a 02:48
by SadServers#3) With great power comes great responsibility. [sudo] password for admin: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for admin: qSorry, try again. [sudo] password for admin: sudo: 2 incorrect password attempts admin@i-0e54dfe20a762b8f6:~$ telnet localhost Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused admin@i-0e54dfe20a762b8f6:~$
paris/i-0e54dfe20a762b8f6 01:38
by SadServersadmin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~$ pwd /home/admin admin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~$ admin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~$ ls agent data datafile kihei admin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~$ cd agent/ admin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~/agent$ ls sadagent sadagent.txt admin@i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9:~/agent$ cat c
kihei/i-04f9b68ba2ba71eb9 00:18
by SadServersnvme0n1 ├─nvme0n1p1 ext4 1.0 811e12d8-f542-4650-9330-8d96633bd90c 1.2G ├─nvme0n1p14 └─nvme0n1p15 vfat FAT16 8690-F844 117.8M nvme1n1 nvme2n1 admin@i-03e8621f09ba2ba4e:~$ lvs WARNING: Running as a non-root user. Functionality may be unavailable. /run/lock/lvm/P_global:aux: open failed: Permission denied admin@i-03e8621f09ba2ba4e:~$ sudo lvs admin@i-03e8621f09ba2ba4e:~$ ls -la data total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 admin root 4096 Oct 26 07:02 . drwxr-xr-x 7 admin admin 4096 Oct 26 07:02 .. admin@i-03e8621f09ba2ba4e:~$ sudo
kihei/i-03e8621f09ba2ba4e 03:40
by SadServersInitialization loade Time Set loade Time Synchronized loade > apt-daily-upgrade.timer loadeapt upgrade and clean activities apt-daily.timer loadeapt download activities e2scrub_all.timer loadeic ext4 Online Metadata Check for > fstrim.timer loadeadmin@i-0d2e19b6ed1ee3727:~$ ps -aux
paris/i-0d2e19b6ed1ee3727 02:14
by SadServersadmin@i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6:~$ curl localhost:5000 Unauthorizedadmin@i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6:~$ admin@i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6:~$ sudo curl localhost:5000 We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things: #1) Respect the privacy of others. #2) Think before you type. #3) With great power comes great responsibility. [sudo] password for admin: sudo: a password is required admin@i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6:~$ ^C admin@i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6:~$ nestat | grep
paris/i-0453bb76f89d6d1e6 01:18
by SadServersadmin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ ls -l total 5245048 drwxr-xr-x 2 admin root 4096 Sep 17 2023 agent drwxr-xr-x 2 admin root 4096 Oct 25 16:29 data -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5368709120 Sep 17 2023 datafile -rwxr-xr-x 1 admin root 2207109 Sep 17 2023 kihei admin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ ls data appdiskmnt admin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ rm data/appdiskmnt admin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ rmdir data/ admin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ sudo ln -s /mnt/appdiskmnt/ /home/admin/data/ ln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/admin/data/': No such file or directoradmin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ ls agent datafile kihei admin@i-0ae89bce1453c6828:~$ sudo ln -s /mnt/appdiskmnt/ /home/admin/data/
kihei/i-0ae89bce1453c6828 10:59
by SadServers988 pts/1 R<+ 0:00 ps ax admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:~/agent$ ls sadagent sadagent.txt admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:~/agent$ cd .. admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:~$ ls agent admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:~$ ls -l total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 admin root 4096 Sep 24 2023 agent -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 360 Sep 24 2023 admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:~$ cd /var/lib/ admin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:/var/lib$ ls apt cloud dhcp grub man-db pam private sgml-base systemd uchrony dbus dpkg logrotate misc polkit-1 python sudo ucf vadmin@i-0748faed17a21b9f5:/var/lib$ cd
paris/i-0748faed17a21b9f5 04:08
by SadServerswrite(2, "64", 264) = 2 write(2, " +", 2 +) = 2 write(2, "0x47d", 50x47d) = 5 write(2, "\n", 1 ) = 1 exit_group(2) = ? +++ exited with 2 +++ admin@i-0815e829d95ab34ca:~$ ./kihei -v Creating file /home/admin/data/newdatafile with size 1.5GB... panic: exit status 1 goroutine 1 [running]: main.main() ./main.go:64 +0x47d admin@i-0815e829d95ab34ca:~$